Friday, May 10, 2019

Thursday, April 25, 2019 - Game drive in Kruger National Park

Today is the most exciting day of this trip.  We got up very early and drove to Kruger National Park around 6am.  We started with our game drive by spotting giraffes putting on a beautiful post for us to take pictures.  Then we saw many elephants and impalas.
Then, we got lucky to see a couple of lions.  After seeing lions, our game driver told us that people from another game drive jeep spotted a leopard further into the park, and he wants to make sure we want to drive over to catch a glimpse of this leopard.  We all agreed, and then we took off.  After we got to the right spot, we were lucky to see the leopard on one side of the road and then crossing the road to the other side.  Cameras were clicking to capture this wonderful sighting. It completed our sighting of Big Fives.
Then, we saw a couple of elephants fighting in the middle of the road with jeeps around them.  It was an unbelievable moment to see these elephants in action.
After lunch, we went out again trying to see more animals.  We saw a couple of elephants in the middle of the pond with actions.  Our guide told us that they were mating.  
We also saw more elephants near a pond and walking like in a parade.  
It was an exciting and exhausting day of chasing/watching Big Fives and other animals.  The animals we saw here were in smaller quantities in comparing with our Tanzania trip.  However, it was still very exciting. 

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