Friday, May 10, 2019

Wednesday, May 1, 2019 - Game Drives in Chobe National Park

We had 2 game drives in Chobe National Park.  We left the hotel at 5:50am and got to Chobe National Park before sunrise.  Right after we got into the park, we saw a lot of storks still sleeping on the top of tree branches.  
In the morning, the only worth sighting are some eagles.  We were able to capture nice pictures.  During our rest break, we learned some of the jeeps did spot lions.  However, we tried and did not have any luck.  We did see a lot of impalas, almost every corner we turned. On our return from morning game drive, we saw zebras.  When we getting close to town on the highway, we saw a bunch of elephants crossing the road. 
In the afternoon game drive, we saw more giraffes, they did a lot of wonderful posts for us.  Then we spotted more baboons, kudus and impalas.  With the amount of giraffes we saw, we can categorized that this was a giraffe game drive.  
On our way back, we had a close encounter with an elephant and it looked like he was not happy with something and at one moment it looked like he was going to charge at us.  

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